In our
Bridgettine charism we can identify these four main aspects:
1. The
primacy of God - the faith of Saint Birgitta is oriented to the
Trinitarian God, everything is finalized to the Trinity, as a supreme and ultimate Good;
2. The
christocentrism of the Cross – Saint Birgitta shows an acute mystical
intelligence of the mysteries of Christ, of the Humanity of the Word, of the
Passion and Death of the Lord;
3. Extroverted
ecclesiality - active love for the Church and especially for the Petrine Magisterium;
4. Marian
spirituality – “is the cantus
firmus of Birgitta’s writings”, the centrality of Mary in Christianity is
present throughout the mission of the Swedish Saint;
The charism of Saint Birgitta is centred on the Humanity of the Word, which consumes the gift of Love towards humanity above all in the Calvary drama. For this reason, the Bridgittine motto Amor meus Crucifixus est best expresses the intensity and profound meaning of the charism of Saint Birgitta continued in the work of Saint Mother Elizabeth Hesselblad. A particular sign of consecration and participation in the Passion of Christ, but also a call to reparation for the wounded unity of the Church, is the white crown with the symbols of the five wounds of the Lord, which we carry on our head. Wearing this sign of our consecration with dignity, we bear witness to Christ and silently fulfil the duty of every Christian to preach the Gospel and evangelize with his life. In fact, even Saint. Birgitta listing the Sacraments adds the eighth to it: the preaching of the Word of God, to emphasize the absolute necessity of evangelization, which even assumes the importance of the sacrament.